I came to like this boy group a lot for the past 1 year or so and been watching their past performances on every video channel that I can access to before the video been remove due to the copyright of the shows/company.
Most of the people who know about the kpop should know this group of boy group very well. They are the DBSK or TVXQ or Tohoshinki or 东方神起 consider where their fans are from. Usually I just search for their latest performances by DBSK name. Causes most of their fans would just list all their group names under the tags.
I just too lazy to write when they are form. So I just paste the link of wiki of their group information and when they went to Japan to launch their japanese songs.
Here is the link of wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVXQ

I just write why I like this group a lot. They are humor in their variety shows and humble. I just like to see them goofy around when they are in their interview or before their perfomances. I like the seriousness when they do their music/perfomances. Love how they treat each other in their ways. They are tall from 178cm to 188cm. Beside that, they are handsome in their own ways.
Watch this youtube. I love their acapella but then this song is in Japanese and not in Korean. Consider that I don't know the language but their voices are still beautiful.
This video is in their early days when they just started out in Japan. Their dances are super nice. Kekeke. Love it.
Now introduct the group members.
Starting from the elderest.
Jae Joong

The flower boy, consider that his face is the prettiest among the guys of the group.
Like the way he talk without thinking when he's in comfort zone. Love the way how he treat his members. Basically he love to cook for the members when they live together in Japan.

My 2nd favourite member. He's the leader of the group. He dance well. He's humble. He like kids a lot. Love his kindness when he donate money to his school and ask his fans to donate to the needy. When the group members are in their "crazy mood", he would try to save the situation before it goes out of hand. Love his manly look, consider that he got 3 scars on his face accidentally and 1 scar near his throat from surgery. Now you can't see the scars as it been photoshop away or through the makeup. Love his cute tiger tooth smile before he straighten his teeth. Love to see him hugging his group members and pray before their perfomances/awards.

He's consider as the fashion guide in their group. Alway ahead of fashion in his own way. His hairstyles alway changing. I like the way that he's emotion. Like him when he tease my favourite member in funny way. Love his expression the most. He's dorky in a way. He the one with better English as he been living in US when he was young.

My favourite member of all even thought he not the usual handsome guy but his charisma is the one that I like about. He is the type of handsome that grow on you everytime you see him. I started to notice this band because of him. When I came across the song that he sang "Timeless" with Zhang Li Yin in youtube. In the begining, I just like the music of it and the MV even thought I don't understand Korean at all causes it very sad like those melodrama music in Korea drama. I love his voice a lot but can't say much when he sing in English or Mandarin as his accent is very strong. Maybe that why the members love to tease him to spell in English. He constant "bullied" by the group members as they all know that he wouldn't be really angry. He would usually laugh it off and joking scold his group members back. Love his cutness. Love his seriousness when he on stage. Love the way that he dance. Love his dorkness when he with his group members. Love the way he eat. Love him when he space off on his own.

He's the youngest and the tallest among the group members. Like his constant stares at his older members when they are talking. Like his loves of food. Alway constant cut off by Junsu when it his question time. Like him constant "bicker" with Junsu. Love his smiling eyes when he really happy. When he's mad, he would become scary but most of the time he usually quiet and shy. Sometime when I look at his picture of his longer hair style, it kind of remind me of younger version Jerry Yan of Taiwan F4 or Ceng Shao Zong of Taiwan 可米小子, so i prefer his shorter hair.
So that the reasons why I love this group a lot even thought I don't understand Korean or Japanese language at all. It their way of carry themselves, their groofness, their dorkness, their kindness ,their seriousness in their music, their voices, their dances and care of the others that why they been love by the fans from other countries.
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